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Monday, August 24, 2009

Is Medicine Good Health?

by David P. Amrein

Orthodox Medicine has become the third leading cause of death in the US. I am not one of those who will lambaste the whole system and find nothing good about it, but the issues must be put on the table. How is it that this system, consuming 18% of the gross domestic product, is the third leading cause of death, and why are the people of the United States not healthier when so much money is spent on it?

Doubtlessly, great advancements have been made in medicine. When struck with a serious infection, who would want to be without antibiotics that can cure? Who would want to break a bone and be without means to have it fixed? But at the same time, this shows the most basic problem of orthodox medicine: it largely concerns itself with FIXING the body when everything has gone wrong.

In alternative medicine, we hold that a healthy lifestyle is the basis for health and that it CANNOT be replaced by anything that orthodox medicine (and, yes, also alternative medicine) could ever come up with. You could say that alternative medicine is bent on prevention, but that even is a misnomer, because it implies that you only live healthy to prevent disease. Maybe we have to get back into the mindset of just living according to what our bodies are made for, rather than only doing what we must, to not drop dead. And our body needs some exercise and nutritious, live food.

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