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Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Sweetest Poison On Earth

Did you see the article this past week about sugar on Yahoo? On YAHOO! They don't usually get labeled as the gurus of, "Natural Cures and Remedies" by a long shot. I wrote about sugar a long time ago on my website and thought I should include it on the blog... so here's part of the article. If you want the long version, you can read it here. SUGAR

I know, even as I write this, that MANY people will just "blow this off" as nonsense or "no big deal," but if you're not determined to stay ignorant... you'll listen up. Sugar is a basic element found in starchy food. Sugar cane contains 14% trace elements, minerals and vitamins, plus chlorophyll. The sugar we purchase in the supermarket for personal consumption is heated up in chalk-milk, so that calcium and protein are extracted. But if you care at all (really care) about your health and your families health... Pay Attention.

It initially becomes an alkaloid, thus destroying all vitamin content. In the second phase, the sugar is mixed with acid chalk, carbonic gas, sulphur dioxide and finally, with natrium bicarbonate.

This mixture is cooked and cooled off several times, and thereafter crystallized and centrifugalized.

This dead mass is then treated with strontium hydroxide. Subsequently, it arrives at the refinery where it is passed over chalk carbon acid to clean it.

Dark coloring is removed by adding sulphuric acid and then it is filtered with bone charcoal. Finally, it is colored with Indathrenblue, or the highly toxic Ultramarine.

This product"s chemical composition is C12 H22 O11, which you can buy in shops as "pure cane" sugar, sugar cubes, candy, etc.

All of its life-giving and protective forces have been destroyed, and this product called sugar has an atomic density of 98.4 to 99.5 %.

Such density falls under the category of poison. This industrial sugar irritates the mucous membranes, tissues, glands, blood vessels and intestinal tracts of the persons who eat it. White sugar also paralyzes the intestinal peristaltic functions and leads to immune system failure. White sugar also destroys brain cells and elevates the internal temperature of the body.

Tooth tissue has a tissue pressure of 7 Atmospheres. Industrial sugar increases this osmotic pressure to 34 Atmospheres. WOW!

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in human beings, together with bones. We have found teeth that have been on the earth for 100,000 years and still intact despite heat and cold, rain, snow, bacteria, etc. However, white sugar is capable of destroying tooth enamel within hours, penetrating the structure of the tooth-tissue like a nail and breaking it down.

What Nature could not do since the beginning of time, mankind has achieved in no time at all. He is the only being that destroys the nutrient value of his food before consumption.

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